A Lost History

Isolation Inspirations – Day 8

Being alone in a room for 10 days requires creativity to remain productive, otherwise it’ll just turn into a fruitless Netflix binge.

I decided to read about some of the history of this nation of believers.

Not just to admire our past or as a pass time, but with a view to understanding what led up to the dismay we see around the world today.

I was startled at how little I really knew…

The Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, was sent with over 1440 years, what happened between then and now?

Was this message just for individuals to better themselves morally and spiritually?

Which then grew into a larger collection of individuals, into the billions today, or is there more to it?…

The Al Mighty says:

“Indeed, We have sent down the Book to you ˹O Prophet˺ in truth to judge between people by means of what Allah has shown you…”


Islam was from it’s very inception, still is, and will always be, much more than a religion for individual spiritual improvement.

No doubt it contains this element throughout, but it is much more than this.

It is a deen (comprehensive way of life) which covers every aspect of individual and collective life from how to worship our Creator, how to look after ourselves, our relationship with others, and societal affairs.

In terms of our history, this deen was carried (hence why so many sahaba companions of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with them all, are buried in foreign lands) far and wide to the known globe at that time,

Emissaries were sent with letters to the leaders of the time, stamped by the Prophet himself,

Explaining to them how this deen came to guide the world to perfect justice, with the rules provided by the Creator.

Islam grew exponentially, and very quickly became the leading global authority.

Muslims and non Muslims lived in harmony, equally under justice and economic prosperity.

The ummah thrived and led the world in terms of advancement, academic and material.

Pierre Curie, a French physicist born in the 1850’s said:

We have 30 books left behind from Muslim Andalusia, so that we could split the atom. 

If a half of the one million burned books could survive, we would already travel between galaxies in space.

What happened? How did the ummah go from being the beacon of knowledge, justice and humanity to being corrupted, divided, and suffering like we see around the world today?

There are many revival movements who have thought deeply on this subject and offer their advice.

Though all are in agreement that there is a responsibility for each of us to study and act upon that divine knowledge.

The only hindrances to gaining this knowledge and insight are the distractions and consumerism of modern life

Many of the believers are privileged and living comfortably

Hence they should realise the favours of their Lord and become active and productive in the way that will make a change in their own lives, their local communities and one day the nation of believers.

History is very important and should not be learnt as a passtime, or for fanciful, theoretic discussion.

We need to learn in order to act, to strive with all we have to rectify the injustices around the world today.

May the Most Merciful grant us the correct understanding of this deen, give this ummah unity and make us better shepherds for the sake to all of Mankind.

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28 Replies to “A Lost History”

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