TARIKH TUESDAY: The Moriscos: Part 2

In 1499, a Catholic archbishop called Francisco Jimenez de Cisneros was appointed to speed up the conversion process by harassment of Spain’s Muslims

In his own words he declared if the infidels couldn’t be attracted to the road of salvation they had to be dragged to it

The muslims of Granada who had already endured eight years of Christian rule would not endure oppression by the new archbishop. So they barricaded the narrow streets of Granada and declared their defiance.

This revolt gave the Catholic monarchy the excuse they needed.
The rebels were given 2 options, the death penalty or conversion to Christianity.

Pragmatic as ever, the Granadan Muslims chose conversion.

In the countryside rebellions took place but eventually were put down.

In 1502, Islam was outlawed throughout Spain. Muslims were given the option to convert, leave Spain or die.

Like the people of Granadan Muslims they chose conversion.

Soon, the Catholic Monarchs could boast that they had converted an entire nation to Christianity within a few years.

The reality however was that Islam continued to live on in Spain but underground. They were known as the Moriscos, and the Spanish authorities suspected that they were not sincere in their conversion to Christianity, instituted numerous laws as part of the Spanish Inquisition.

Throughout the early 1500s there was a cleansing of the Moriscos Islamic past

Butchering animals according to Islamic law was banned in 1511

Women were banned from covering their faces in 1513

Muslim style clothing in general was banned in 1523

Banned from using the bath house and closing the doors to the homes on Fridays.

Weddings had to be attended by old christians to ensure that Islamic nuptials were not being practiced.

In 1526 even speaking Arabic was outlawed and forced to speak Castilian at all times including when at home.

These efforts to rid the Moriscos of both the religious and cultural heritage only pushed them further underground and cause and to cling more vigorously to their beliefs

Lost Islamic History, p164

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13 Replies to “TARIKH TUESDAY: The Moriscos: Part 2”

  1. -This is a GI for me……. (God Intervention)I have them all the time, for which I praise and thank God. Jesus is the very essence of my being and my life would be empty and useless without Him.Last night, on a balmy Cape Town evening, a friend talked about The Message Bible and I told her that I am a huge fan of Eugene Peterson.She told me about Eugene’s interview with Bono and I couldn’t wait to Google it. So this morning, up at 5.0 am Iheaded to my computer. What joy to start the day reading about Peb Jackson and Eugene and and and……. And in the end,it is ALL ABOUT JESUS!Very nice article Maya. You’re spot on…if you want to understand someone’s experience the only true way to know it, understand it, and the truth of it…is to hear it first hand. Not through someone else. I congratulate you for standing up and being an honest voice.

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