Patience equals action

Isolation Inspirations day 6

Many who I speak with about the virus/isolation are advising me

“Just remain patient and it will all be over soon”

Nowadays, many of us have linked the concept of “sabr” to the standalone english word “patience”

Therefore when Allah commands us to be patient, we often misunderstand what this means.

The image of a frail person rocking back and forth with rosemary beads in hand waiting patiently comes to mind….

But does “sabr” mean to simply wait, to be inactive?

No, sabr is actually a concept which encourages action, which inspires persistence in the face of adversity.

It is not possible to define Sabr with just one word from the English dictionary, as there is no like for like equivalent.

Sabr can be understood as patience, perseverance, fortitude, forbearance, stamina, consistency, persistency and more.

No matter what comes in our way, or what adversities we are tested with.

To continue doing what we need to as believers i.e. fulfilling the obligatory actions, abstaining from the prohibited actions, elevating higher with the recommended and superoregotary actions, and staying away from the disliked actions etc.

Therefore when we read the verses of our Creater, the Most Merciful, who commands,

“O you who have believed! Seek help with patience and prayer; indeed Allah is with the patient”


We should not be left thinking I need to seek His help by praying and sitting around waiting or being inactive.

Rather we need to be praying to the Most High constantly, whilst simultaneously striving to complete the obligations placed upon us as believers.

When we discuss what needs to be done or why this is happening we often hear comments such as “We need to remain patient” or “our patience is being tested”.

No doubt our patience is being tested, but we have to understand what this means correctly.

We have to become truly patient as a community of believers (ummah), which means we have to strive to commit the actions that Our Creator has ordained on us in this situation.

Remaining constant in our prayers to the Most Merciful begging Him to alleviate our suffering.

This is what patience demands from us.

May Allah grant us a true understanding and for us to be guided, and make us of the ones who are patient (Saabiroon).

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