TARIKH TUESDAY: Moriscos: Part 3

The Inquisition failed to remove Islam from the hearts of most Moriscos instead it forced them to be more creative about how they worked around the laws.

Numerous Muslim scholars wrote fatwas allowing Muslims to practice their religion in non traditional ways to avoid detection by authorities.

In 1502, the famous fatwa by the Mufti of Oran, modern day Algeria allowed Muslims to:

  • Perform ritual cleansing before prayer without water by touching a clean wall
  • To pray at night instead of five times a day
  • To eat pork if forced

In these times religious instruction was restricted to the home as Mosques and schools were closed or converted to churches.

But the Arabic language survived behind closed doors, as parents made sure to teach their children Islamic rites and verses of the Quran.

In public they would have Christian names and go to church on Sunday, but at home they would be referred to by their secret Muslim names.

Even 100 years after the conquest of Granada it was clear to the Spanish monarchy and Catholic Church that the attempts to convert the moriscos were failing.

Despite been caught In the middle of Islamic acts by the Inquisition and punishments being doled out it did nothing to deter others.

In 1609, King Philip III expelled all the Moriscos left in Spain despite protests from aristocrats throughout Spain who saw the expulsion detrimental to the economy.

Lost Islamic History p166

What similitudes can you find in modern struggles across the globe?

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